Saturday, January 26, 2008

Fikira and Maoni on the Kenyan Crisis 16

Many thanks for the insight on economic issues, This is what we want as scholars. You have raised questions that can form a problem statement for a reaserch paper or PhD desertation. Think about it as a social political economist.

On Budget we fund 93 % of our expenditure from taxes we collect, I have evidence for that! About the budgetary support thats where the big issue is! with sanctions coz currently we have roads projects on going in the county of over 68 billions with EU support being substantive. Farmers I am worried you will take longer to access market if this continues!

There is a lot of research carried out on the effects of SWAPs and DBS in Tanzania , Uganda , India by Chambers- (IDS Sussex ). Yes Kenya is not among them. lets do a research on effects of SWAPs and DBS the Kenya case for us to make objective contribution! Ama another proposal, haha ha you have alot to write Wamalwa thats why we took you to school! This days its a different government only bollows around 20 to 25 billions only! so kimunya is abit commited.

For zim I am still not convinced. I hope you still remember my roomie for 3 months in JFE Karen was from Zim whom we shared a lot about the mistake their country did on white settlers. This for sure will not happen in Kenya. We can explore this more when I contact him to advice us on what really went wrong there. Its tricky to rely on press on countries such as Zim as you are aware there is no freedom of press like here. A lot of mistakes are not reported while others are blown out of proportion!

I am just wondering about your question about some regions are politically upright, closer to the centre and hence at the centre than others that are wallowing on the periphery? Does this explain the current political crisis in the country, if so, what we do we do?
anyway some regions in Kenya are like that, I am not sure but we need to revisit the issue of how our development plans were architectured. was it top down trickle effect or the opposite is true? this will help us know what might have favoured some regions.

I thank God even the church has come in to condemn mass action. Mass action is good in rich countries coz people are not idle like here due to unemployment, they know what they want, how to get it and above all they respect the rule of law and private property. We are far from that as Kenya coz we only know what we want with the influence of our leaders but we shall one day be there with you determination for truth and kindly dont compare us with developed countries.

I am happy we are making progress. Pray for our villages and neighbours. I have just received news how one of our neighbour was killed today when they were harvesting their grains!

do we still have that prayer of st Francis of Assisi whom I admire the way he made Rome change through humility

This hymn is suitable as the third hymn sung after the signing of the register, which usually speaks of the desire that God goes with you into the future to help you live out your vows.

Play MIDI File

Make me a channel of your peace.
Where there is hatred let me bring your love;
Where there is injury your pardon,
And where there's doubt true faith in you.

Refrain:Oh, Master grant that I may never seek
So much to be consoled as to console;
To be understood as to understand;
To be loved as to love with all my soul.

Make me a channel of your peace.
Where there's despair in life let me bring hope;
Where there is darkness, only light;
And where there's sadness, ever joy.


Make me a channel of your peace.
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
In giving to all men that we receive;
And in dying that we're born to eternal life.


Richard kindly fill the other words for me as we make this as our morning and evening prayer until Kenya is the Kenya we want.

''whatever you do, do it for the love of God and compassion for your neighbour otherwise if that is not the case, it will be worthless...' Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta

prayers and love

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