Friday, August 6, 2010

On the new Kenyan Consitution

Kenyans voted overwhelmingly for the new constitution (67%) during the referendum held on the proposed constitution. There are many reasons to celebrate over this new move by the Kenyans as follow:
1. Women have always been on the periphery on the domestic as well as on matters of national affair. Now the constitution has not only spared a place for them in the political arena but also in matters regarding inheritance.
2. Poverty was one major cause that led to kenyans fighting each other during the 2007-2008 elections. It is a fact that historically the national wealth distribution has always been skewed to some sections of the country while many have been languishing behind. The constitution provides that 15% of national income will be directed to counties. This will require good financial management of moneys directed to counties. In Italy for example, the regions in the South are always lagging behind despite much money having been pumped there.
3. Accountability and answerability is something that is echoed strongly in this katiba. Public officers who cause the government to experience any loss will be held accountable to the extent of their own private property.
There are so many other benefits that will accrue to the Kenyan citizens. Some fruits may be evident in a short while while others will take time. However, the journey to rebuilding and restoring Kenya began with the crucial YES vote on the 4th August 2010.

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