Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Social Capital: Links defining it

Here is an important list that could help us understand social capital taken from Social capital is an impotant concept in building a social entreprise.

Definitions of Social Capital (also referred to as Social Cohesion/Social Support) on the Web:
This is a term developed by social scientists to describe social networks and contacts. Social capital theory argues that strong social capital is ...
The networks of relationships among persons, firms, and institutions in a society, together with associated norms of behavior, trust, cooperation, etc., that enable a society to function
People, their capacity levels, institutions, cultural cohesion, education, information, skills, and knowledge.
The individual and communal time and energy that is available for such things as community improvement, social networking, civic engagement, personal recreation, and other activities that create social bonds between individuals and groups.
A "composite measure" which reflects both the breadth and depth of civic community (staying informed about community life and participating in its associations) as well as the public's participation in political life.
is the attitude, spirit and willingness of people to engage in collective, civic activities. Over time, social capital builds what may be termed as social infrastructure, a key item discussed in the Strategic Social Plan.
Networks, understanding and values that shape the way we relate to each other and participate in social activities.
The value and cooperation created through social human relationships or networks.
The degree to which a community or society collaborates and cooperates (through such mechanisms as networks, shared trust, norms and values) to achieve mutual benefits. There are many definitions and discussions about social capital, for more information see Robert D. ...
Physical or real capital that is owned by the public sector rather than by private
the networks and connections between people that contribute to social cohesion
is defined as “the social resources…developed through networks and connectedness, membership of more formal groups, and relationships of trust, reciprocity and exchange’ (Phillips 2001). ...
The total stock of a society's productive assets, including those that allow the manufacture of the marketable outputs that create private-sector profits, and those that create non-marketed outputs, such as defence and education (Bannock et al., 1992, 396)
The value of social networks that people can draw on to solve common problems. The benefits of social capital flow from the trust, reciprocity, information, and cooperation associated with social
Human life and values can be defined as social capital. Defining the biological demands of human life also falls under the discipline of human ecology.
Social capital is a core concept in business, economics, organizational behaviour, political science, and sociology, defined as the advantage created by a person's location in a structure of relationships. capital
Defined by the OECD as “…networks, together with shared norms, values and understandings which facilitate cooperation within or among groups”.

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